
Level 4 and Level 5

The Diploma Course in Credit Management, presented one day a week for five weeks, including an examination.  Successful candidates qualify to use designated letters CMT Dip.

Those going on to complete the Commercial Credit Management Masterclass can qualify for Level 5.

Level 3 Certificate

Improving Credit Management and Collections, presented over four days, including a two hour exam, developed and presented on behalf of Informa.  Successful candidates qualify to use designated letters CMT Cert.   

High Quality Centre 

All our course are awarded Levels 2 to 5 and we provide HIGH QUALITY TRAINING.

CPD Points

Many companies and Professional Bodies insist on their members obtaining a minimum number of CPD points every year.

CPD points are awarded to people attending our training courses. (1 CPD point granted for each hour spent on training and development, including the course notes).

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