5 Days – presented one day a week for 5 weeks:
No one can doubt the vital importance of a well trained, motivated, Credit Management team, totally focused on getting results. Our five day Diploma Course is geared to achieving precisely that.
With expert, enthusiastic, passionate presenters, high quality course notes, and the stimulus of a challenging, but rewarding exam, this course gives a thorough insight into all the practical issues relating to Commercial Credit Management.
Cost: £3,497.00 per delegate, including course notes and certification.
If you have 3 or more delegates, we can present the course in-house, to suit your specific needs.
Understanding Credit Management
Do you know how a business works and why businesses fail? Are you aware of the aims and importance of good credit management? Do you communicate effectively at all levels internally and externally? How well equipped are you to exceed targets?
Managing Commercial Credit Risk
Can you maximise sales and effectively manage risk with your credit decisions? Do you consider whether you are one of many suppliers or one of the major suppliers to your customer when granting credit?
Do you have effective ongoing risk assessment?
Powerful Collection Techniques
In the same way that sales people are in competition for orders, you are in competition for cash. Can you influence customers to pay you sooner?
In-Depth Financial Analysis and Credit Scoring
Knowing how to go deeper into financial statements to verify and justify higher credit ratings or to mitigate risk and any losses is vital for effective credit mangement. Do you understand Measures of Performance, Measures of Financial Status, Working Capital Use and Key Items in the notes to the Accounts?
Export Credit Overview
Are you aware of the basic differences between home trade and export credit?
Developing Management Skills
Managing people effectively is an essential part of Credit Management.
Course Designed for
Anyone who wants to become more confident and knowledgeable in all aspects of Commercial Credit Management.
Course Duration
5 days – 1 Day a week for 5 weeks
CMT Dip - Designated Letters for Successful Candidates